Tuesday 1 October 2013

Uploading images and video

To make your Google Earth tour more engaging you will need to add images and/or video.

In essence, if you want to use some media in Google Earth it needs to already exist online. There are plenty of websites that allow you to upload your own media and then link to it or use it later. I chose Panoramio to upload images as your Google Account will sign you in. Once you upload, you will need the URL for that image (not the page) to insert into your tour.

Should you chose to upload video, you can use YouTube or any other video hosting website that allows you to embed the video. Again, your Google Account will also sign you in to YouTube. Protip: Keep the videos short (as our WiFi may not cope!)

There are actually a lot more image and video sites so feel free to use the one that suits you best.

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